Interior Design & Finishing

Unique spaces aesthetically harmonious with nature.

Interior Design & Finishing

We create environments distinguished by their quality, comfort, and elegance. Our approach focuses on achieving exceptional natural finishes using lime or earth tones as primary elements. The result is the creation of unique spaces that are aesthetically harmonious with nature, while also providing protection and saftey.

Earth or Clay

We use earth or clay to regulate humidity levels indoors, balance air circulation, and absorb odors. This material is ecological, durable, aesthetic, and healthy, used in both rustic and fine finishes.


Lime, on the other hand, is a thermal and elegant material for decoration, whether applied in paint or in different types of finishes such as fine, rustic, stucco, or relief.

Natural painting

As for our paints, we make natural products based on colored earth and lime, either using lime alone or mixed with color pigments. Our goal is to create ecological and healthy products.

Interior design & finishing projects